We add most value to people who have over $30m assets and most importantly have interest and time to invest in helping their family. If you do not have the interest or the time, please wait until you do before requesting to join the Program.
Peace of Mind and transcendence that your family know what to expect and what is expected of them - even though your wealth has created potential problems for your family, you are “all in” and have coached your family.
Design the legacy you want that resources what you value – only if you want, heirs who are prepared for wealth and to live lives of passion and purpose, without entitlement A legacy with no cost is like a free giftbag. Teach your kids skills of adaptation and the experience of understanding risk and paying a price so the legacy is appreciated.
Prioritised access to a trusted proactive adviser who knows the family and the roadmap when a crisis inevitably takes place and can correct the path when you go off course.
Clear and agreed mandates for your advisers and trustees – so that everyone knows the elevator pitch for your family, what your family stands for, what it means.
Become a steward or family champion that leads with a show of courage.
Donal is a dear colleague of mine seeking to help families, his own and all others flourish. His first book, a migrant’s tale, is his story of his emigration from Ireland to Australia and both a lament and a heroic seeking and finding of self. It is a journey with many twists and turns leading to the emergence of a great soul.